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JoseFritz I heard that KDIC in Grinell IA did that too. 
Max A couple of engineers at my old college station got our FCC license revoked by hooking the transmitter up to the Amtrack eastern corridor train tracks--not much elevation but great range if you have the current to power it.

marco A school locker as a radio station.

Serendipity as a radio station.
- Build a cheap transmitter with repeating audio programmed in something like cheap like flash memory and use long life batteries or a solar charger.
- Send the whole thing  off into the world. Let it travel on its own. Put it on a truck, put it on a balloon, put it in a chain mail letter to be passed around to friends or sympathetic (or pathetic) strangers.
dispatx apologies, didn't know the <a> tag was off and couldn't preview ... to reprise ...

an art collective as a radio station!
dispatx an <a href="http://www.dispatx.com">art collective</a> as a radio station!
radiorevolt Possible Radio Stations:

- A Car as a radio station
- A Bicycle as a radio station
- A Brick as a radio station
- A Cactus as a radio station
- A Shoe as a radio station
- A Hat as a radio station
- A Book as a radio station
- A Tree as a radio station
- A Cookie Jar as a radio station
- A Umbrella as a radio station
- A Shoe as a radio station
- A Kitchen as a radio station
- A Dog as a radio station
- A Window as a radio station
- A Lunch Box as a radio station
- A Clock as a radio station
- A Compass as a radio station
- A Lamp as a radio station
- A Chair as a radio station
- A Rock as a radio station
- A Pillow as a radio station
- A Boat as a radio station
- A Garden as a radio station
- A Bathroom as a radio station
- A Basketball court as a radio station
- A Monument as a radio station
- A Trash can as a radio station
- A Water drain as a radio station
- A Corridor as a radio station
- A Street as a radio station
- A Bridge as a radio station
- A Rooftop as a radio station
- A Swimming pool as a radio station
- A Seat on a train as a radio station
- A Table in a Café as a radio station
- A Desk in an office as a radio station
- A Fishing pier as a radio station
- A Smokestack as a radio station
- A Laudromat as a radio station
- A Laboratory as a radio station
- A Bed as a radio station

Share your ideas about other possible radio stations. Post them here.
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