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drewzhrodague | I am actually using a Belkin Tunecast II, which has an LCD frequency selector. Replacing the antenna wire really makes a big difference, I am using a full-wavelength wire, and get about 50ft coverage indoors. These are about $19 including shipping on EBay, and highly recommended. |
ERobertG | A good source for higher powered AM/FM transmitters. http://www.pcs-electronics.com/en/index.php I bought a 10 watt AM broadcast transmitter from them and love it. Easy 5 mile range. They have FM transmitters, 5-15 watts and beyond. They are really inexpensive and sell to anyone. |
Steve-J | I have a transmitter from www.edmdesign.com and it works very well. The 10mW unit gives good coverage. Steve |
Rowley | Why don't we do a re-volt re-lay? Forget about making antennas bigger or transmitters more powerful or otherwise boosting the signal; that just makes trouble. Why not instead just link transmitters and receivers together to cover a broader (or longer) area...? |
toby | Another entry in the not-quite-so cheap category is from C. Crane Co. http://ccrane.com/fm-transmitter.aspx Which is a small FM transmitter which runs on either two AAs or an AC adapter, and has an eighth-inch stereo plug for input. Out of the box, I was underwhelemed by its range - though the fact that it will allow you to boradcast on any frequency is nice, with a digital display at that. However, they thoughtfully designed it with a trim pot on the circuit board that significantly increases its output: http://www.xmfan.com/viewtopic.php?t=3257 This makes it much more fun... |
phredo | A small caveat about kits: I bought the cheap Ramsey transmitter, built it, but could not get it to work properly. The signal was very faint (very low volume) from even a foot away from a receiver. I took it down to a friendly electronics shop. The guys there messed with it for 15 minutes and couldn't get it to work better. Then they looked at my soldering and said it was sub-standard and I should resolder the questionable looking ones. I took it home and did that, but no improvement. I'm embarrassed to go there again, so I ended up with something that doesn't work. I should add that I have a low level ham license and I've soldered electronic things before -- I'm just not a pro at it. At the time, I got it for the purpose of broadcasting music from my computer around the house, but what got me thinking about it in the first place was when Pacifica (KPFA for me) was in danger of losing it's station, I thought maybe strategic points could be set up where one would download the signal from the web and rebroadcast to neighbors. They settled their problems, but, seeing your site today after coming across it somewhat randomly, makes me think of that again. |
Erik | I have tried the UK222 from http://www.canakit.com. It is about $35 but transmitts the sound in pretty much much around my whole home including the yard. The only noticable issue is that in the first few minutes of turning the device on, the frequency may drift slightly because of the heat so you may have to retune it depending on the location but in my IMHO, it is worth the 35 bucks. |